Since I discovered Urban Decay Paletts, I can’t stop wanting them. It was quite hard to get Urban Decay here in UAE since the only place they’re selling it was in Dubai and most of the time they run out of the stock, which is so sad and devastating. I started my Urban Decay collection with the Naked palette 1 which i love. Then they released this Book of Shadow 4 and I can’t stop wanting them but that time I have to save money because I am going for a vacay in the Philippines so i stopped looking at Urban Decay website. And my fiancee who knows I love them so bad surprised me last week. They went to Dubai last week to buy RC Aircrafts with his friends and they stopped by Dubai Mall where Sephora store happens to be there too. So he arrived with Sephora bag on his other hand and it was the Urban Decay Book of Shadow 4!! He bought me the pallet who does that?! I can’t explain how happy I am. AFTER MONTHS OF DREAMING ABOUT IT, AT LAST!
So this is my review about it and my first impression.

Urban decay has been releasing Book of shadows and this is the 4th edition. Let’s talk first about the packaging. I love how it look but I can’t put it on my bag because it will occupy space on my purse because it is quite a bit big for a usual palette, so the only time that I can use them is when I have time putting make up before I leave the house. I love the color and design of it. It was something kind of intriguing and mysterious, like you will ask yourself what the heck was that. It will catch up your attention once you saw it on a stand or where ever. Then when you open it you’ll be glad you did. The most innovative eyeshadow pallets in the world… EVER! They come up with the idea of including a portable speaker and a stand beside the mirror where in you can put your iphone or ipod or any smart phone on it. So while putting your make-up you can play your favorite music or watch something from you tube or clips you like. They include 2 cords you can use to connect on the portable speaker included on the palette. Then they have this card inserted on a small pocket which reveals 5 looks you can do using the palette, of course and all you need to do is scan it using your smartphones and watch it. How cool was that.

Urban Decay Book of shadow 4 comes with 16 neutral, vibrant and smoldering eye shadows that can be worn by everyone and fell in love with them in a snap, seriously. The texture most of them are shiny, satin and some are glittery which I think i’m not quite a big fan of because of fall outs when applying them. I thinkMIDNIGHT RODEO a metallic medium brown with gold and silver glitter andMIDNIGHT COWGIRL a shimmering gold with gold sparkle, has chunk of glitters on it. What catches myattention most was the BLUE BUS which is a lovely bright blue and
purple,COBRA a nice black with golden shimmer,BAKED a bright copper color, BENDER which a nice mossy green LOST which isa shimmery dark brown and BUST which is a taupe brown with gray shimmer. They also have colors like GUNMETAL a dark metallic silver with silver sparkle and SIN a shimmering champagne which was also included on the Naked Pallet. The rest of the eyeshadow colors are GRAVITY a deep vibrant color with multi-dimensional glitter, HIJACK grayish green with blue and green shimmer,CRYSTAL a light silvery blue with multi-dimensional shimmer, MISSIONARYlight taupe with pink shimmer, SKIMP a shimmering ultra light nude, ZEPHYR a shimmering off white. I swatched the eyeshadows you can see them on the pictures i took.
They also include a full size 24/7 Waterproof Eyeliner in perversion which is so Black, a travel size Eyeshadow Primer Potion and a travel size Supercurl curling Mascara.
It wasn’t a bad deal at all. I think it was a pretty great deal for AED 380 you have the 16 cool eyeshadows, the portable speaker, a mascara, eyeshadow primer which is one of their best selling product and a black waterproof eyeliner. And I think they’re available now online in Amazon and Sephora for 44USD.
xoxo -chel